วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 26 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2558

Minor Project

Minor assignment
My research question is how to improves  balance in older adult with Thai yoga.     The incidence of accident in older adults is fall down because poor balance function, low ability to movement bring about to bedridden. The bedridden conduce to poor quality of life.  The solution of this problem is improve physical functioning with physical activities.
            Thai yoga is an alternative method that compare with other physical activities it’s suitable for older adults  because the process of Thai yoga use breath with slowly body movement  can improve mental health and physical functioning.
            Researchers who have to investigated at this subject are Chen et al. Oken et al. The former argues that result with yoga for older adults.
            Chen et al. (2008) argue that the older adults residing in assisted-living centers who engaged in 6 months of yoga reported an increase in overall physical fitness in cardio respiratory function, body composition,  range of motion, and the ability to sleep; improved daytime  function ; and decreased depression  compared to the control group.
            Oken et al. (2006) argue that improved flexibility, balance, energy level, emotional health  less anxiety and depression  ; moreover, sense of well being in older participants compared to the control group, though no significant improvement was reported for cognition or alertness.
            Debate center on the basic issue of  effective of Thai yoga to improve balance and physical functioning.
            My work will be closer to Chen’s because my experimental design is Quasi pattern. The quasi pattern have to use the intervention as Thai yoga in order to improve balance and physical functioning . This study will be conducting a controlled experiment to investigated whether if Chen’s advice is followed under 6 months period a treatment group will significantly improve in their balance and physical functioning.
            Hopefully my contribution will be to ensure a carefully controlled experiment is engage in compare a treatment group who are given Thai yoga with a control who are not.
Reference list
Chen, K. M., Hong, S.M., Chao, H., & Lin, H.(2008). Physical fitness older adults in senior activity after 24 week silver yoga exercises. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 17, 2634-2646.
Oken, B. S., Flegal, K., Dehen, C., & Hass, M.(2006). Randomized, controlled, six-month trial of yoga in healthy senior: Effects on cognition and quality of life. Alternatives therapies, 12, 40-47.
                                                                                          Chomlak  Kongart ID. 5779051153

3 ความคิดเห็น:

  1. Dear Khun Chomlak,

    Congratulation for your complete minor project. I wish that your research will be useful for any of us when we all get old. We can do yoga exercise for taking care of ourselves.
    Anyway, your minor project need to correct for perfection. The third paragraph that you wrote wasn't complete. You wrote "Researchers who have to investigated at this subject are Chen et al. Oken et al. The former argues that result with yoga for older adults." which I suggest that you should write "Researchers who have investigated at this subject are Chen et al., and Oken et al. The former argues that result with yoga for older adults.........................and the latter........................." That will make your research more refine.

    Suchart Piboonworasak

  2. ความคิดเห็นนี้ถูกผู้เขียนลบ
